Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Disapprove of: HAREM PANTS

Also known as hammer pants, a throw back to MC Hammer and how truly crappy 90's hip hop fashion was, but I rather not get bitter about the 90's, since that was my childhood.
instead, here are a few reasons why I hate hammer/harem pants:

1. you look like you've shit yourself. If you ask me looking like you've got a load in your pants isn't a very good fashion statement.

2. they don't look like they could be in anyway comfortable.

3. if I were to put a pair of these on it would be really hard to motivate myself to put on a pair of heals and a blouse instead of a dirty t-shirt and some slippers.

4. they just dont look good at all... ever.

so please, save yourself $90 and skip the poopy pants.

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